Summary of the assignment:

Nature of assignment Short term
Location Will vary depending on the source of data and respondents
Timeframe 30 Working days
Reporting To Executive Director/CEO


Download advert an assessment to determine opportunities and threats for effective implementation of the AfCFTA- A focus on trade in goods 


 To strengthen the role of EABC in advocating for a stronger private sector in the EAC regional integration agenda, EABC has entered into a partnership with AFRI-EXIM BANK to position the private in the region to reap the benefits arising out of the AfCFTA. In this partnership, EABC will work closely with its National Focal Points to undertake various activities such as sensitization workshops for SMEs and women in business on the AfCFTA Protocols and their relevance to business in the EAC region with an aim of positioning the private sector to effectively take part and benefit from the AfCFTA.


This partnership hence seeks to address competitive and capacity gaps within the EAC private sector with a view to contributing to the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area. The partnership will facilitate the EABC to build the capacity of the private sector to contribute to the ongoing negotiations, give clarity on the status of the negotiations process of the AfCFTA, the benefits embedded in the agreement to the private sector, the mechanisms for the implementation as well as share information on the initiatives, tools and products developed and supported by the AFRI-EXIM Bank aimed at facilitating the private sector to develop capacities to participate in trading through the AfCFTA such as the Pan African Payment and Settlement System and how the private sector can tap into such facilities.

Through the partnership, various research and assessment studies will be undertaken to develop evidence-based policy briefs that demonstrate the implications of the AfCFTA protocols as negotiated at various phases to businesses and private sector growth in general across the EAC region.



The East African Business Council (EABC) is the umbrella body of the Private Sector in the East African Community (EAC). It brings together national private sector umbrella bodies, manufacturers, employers, bankers, insurance and transporters associations, chambers of commerce, corporates, and medium and small enterprises from the entire East African region.


EABC’s mandate is to represent and promote the interests of the EAC business community, provide value-added services that enhance trade and competitiveness, and to participate actively and positively influence legal and regulatory formulation to improve the business environment. EABC works with the major stakeholders such as the EAC Secretariat, Organs, Institutions and National Governments and provides input in policy discussion while advocating for the implementation of resolutions at the national level aimed at increasing intra-regional trade.



The objective of the AfCFTA Protocol on Trade in Goods per art.2, is to boost intra-African trade in goods through: “(a) progressive elimination of tariffs; (b) progressive elimination of NTBs; (c) enhanced efficiency of customs procedures, trade facilitation and transit; (d) enhanced cooperation in the areas of technical barriers to trade (TBT) and sanitary and phytosanitary measures (SPS); (e) development and promotion of regional and continental value chains; and (f) enhanced socio-economic development, diversification and industrialization across Africa.”

To realize the benefits of this first aim, the protocol seeks enhanced efficiency of trade facilitation and transit. The intended result is the development and promotion of regional and continental value chains, and enhanced socioeconomic development, diversification and industrialisation across Africa. Special efforts are needed to liberalize trade in goods to spearhead efforts on improving Intra-RECs trade and investment.

Although the Protocol on Trade in Goods is in place, the completion of phase I negotiations on tariff commitments and rules of origin is urgently needed (UNECA et al., 2019, p.xii). In developing their tariff proposals, AfCFTA members should reflect on how to enable legal and sustainable trade in goods and support the creation of regional and continental value chains through targeted tariff reductions. In addition, cooperation on developing standards appropriate to the African context can be pursued through African institutions, including the African Accreditation Cooperation (AFRAC) or the African Organization for Standardization (ARSO), to simplify sanitary and phytosanitary requirements, and reduce technical barriers to trade.

With appropriate tariff reductions and cooperation towards the elimination of NTBs, the implementation of trade facilitation measures – like an NTB reporting mechanism or a simplified trade regime for small traders and capacity-building can be used to their full extent to increase intra-African flows of goods and create sustainable regional and continental value chains, thereby supporting enhanced socioeconomic development, diversification and industrialization across Africa.

With trading through the AfCFTA already commenced and the implementation of the AfCFTA Guided Trade Initiative, The East African Business Council (EABC) is concerned with scanty information and data on the potential impact of the implementation of the AfCFTA protocols especially the protocol on Trade in Goods and its implications to the EAC private sector. To address this EABC is commissioning a study to specifically assess the following aspects in the scope of work below;


IV.          SCOPE OF WORK

The consultant shall assess;

  1. Trade Implications: The study shall focus on analyzing the potential impact on trade (import and export) volumes in terms of volumes and value per economic sector and identify which Partner State is expected to gain more with reasons backed by statistical evidence.
  2. Assess the implications of the AfCFTA in terms of EAC output market variations in EAC priority sectors including rises or declines in natural resources/extractives, services, manufacturing as well as agriculture
  • Implication on Tariff Liberalisation: The consultant shall assess the impact of the AfCFTA on EAC economies accruing to tariff liberalization as they are expected to be progressively reduced in line with AfCFTA modalities until the year 2023.
  1. Impact on Removal of NTBs: The consultant shall assess the economic impact of the implementation of the AfCFTA due to the potential reduction/removal of Nontariff barriers, trade costs associated with NTBs such as competition, technical barriers to trade, and sanitary and phytosanitary standards.
  2. Impact on Cross-Border Small-Scale Trade: The consultant shall assess the impact of the AfCFTA implementation on small-scale cross-border trade in the EAC region in terms of trade data per Partner State.
  3. Carry out an analysis on the inter RECs’ comparative and competitive advantage on the implementation of the AfCFTA with a focus on trade in goods




  1. Inception report which among other things will contain the detailed work plan for carrying out the scope of work, proposed methodology and research instruments
  2. Final report with inputs from internal and external stakeholders
  • A policy brief on the implication of the implementation of the AfCFTA on in the EAC with a focus on trade in goods;



The key deliverables include:

  1. Approved inception report detailing the proposed methodology, analytical framework, and work plan to carry out the assignment,
  2. Draft report of assessment on the opportunities and threats in the effective implementation of the AfCFTA with a focus on trade in goods in the EAC,
  • Organise a regional validation meeting with industry stakeholders who will have been interviewed during the study period to get regional private sector inputs.
  1. Approved final report of assessment incorporating comments made in the internal validation meeting,
  2. A policy brief on the implication of the implementation of the AfCFTA on in the EAC with a focus on trade in goods



A suitable candidate should hold the following qualifications and key competencies:


  1. Academic and Professional Experience: A Master’s degree or postgraduate qualification in any of the following fields, Economics, Statistics, Business Administration, International Trade, Trade Policy or any other relevant field is required.


  1. Work Experience: A minimum of five (5) years of demonstrable experience in International Trade and regional integration-related work. The consultant must have the capacity to carry out the study within the determined timeframe.


  1. Proven track record in related assignments


  1. Knowledge of EAC Integration, and international trade with demonstrated knowledge of regional integration with specific expertise in AfCFTA negotiations and implementation is an added advantage.


  1. Languages: Fluency in oral and written English is required as it is the main EAC working language. Good working knowledge of French and Kiswahili will be an advantage.


  1. Additional Skills: Excellent computer skills (Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, and Excel), Email, analytical tools/software for data analysis, experience in working with internet searches, online databases, and data retrieval) are required.


  1. Nationality: The position is only open Nationals of any of the EAC Partner States, Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and South Sudan.



Time Amount to be paid
Upon submission of the inception report 20% of the total amount
Upon submission of the draft report 20% of the total amount
Upon approval of the final report 60% of the total amount



Explanation of the Combined Financial and Technical Evaluation. The combined score is obtained by attributing the technical weight T (80/100) to the technical score St (Max Points as per ToR x score awarded by evaluator/100) and the financial weight P to the financial score (Sf).

The formula for the combined evaluation (S) is follows: S = St x T + Sf x P. This will be calculated for each consultant proposal admitted to the financial evaluation.

Total score (Technical + Financial) = 100 points The Contract shall be awarded to a bidder obtaining the highest combined technical and financial scores. Proposals not complying with the terms and conditions contained in this ToR, including the provision of all required information, may result in the Proposal being deemed non-responsive and therefore not considered further.

Evaluation on; Maximum


Consultant/Bidder Observation/Comments
A minimum of five (5) years demonstrable experience in International Trade related research and regional trade-related issues. The consultant must have the capacity to carry out the study within the determined timeframe. 15    
Knowledge of EAC Integration, and international trade with demonstrated knowledge of regional integration with specific expertise in AfCFTA negotiations and implementation is an added advantage 15    
Proven experience in delivering similar assignments  


Adequacy of the Proposed Methodology and work plan in responding to the TORs. The consultant must have capacity to carry out the study within the determined timeframe. 15    
A Master’s degree or postgraduate qualification in any of the following fields, Economics, Statistics, Business Administration, International Trade, Trade Policy or any other relevant field is required. 10    
Overall technical score





Send proposals to EABC Secretariat MAFAO HOUSE, 9th Floor, Old Moshi Road, and P.O. Box 2617, Arusha, Tanzania or to  clearly marked CONSULTANCY SERVICES TO CARRY OUT AN ASSESSMENT TO DETERMINE OPPORTUNITIES AND THREATS IN THE EFFECTIVE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE AFCFTA- A FOCUS ON TRADE IN GOODS” by 27th September 2023. The proposal should include the current curriculum vitae, proposed methodology, work plan, and a separate password protected financial proposal.



EABC is an equal opportunity employer thus recruitment is on merit and with no regard to one’s age, colour, gender, marital status, disability or impairment, race or creed. Canvassing shall lead to automatic disqualification. Environmental aspects will be taken into consideration.

Published On: September 6th, 2023 / Categories: Tenders /