Summary of the assignment:
Nature of assignment Short term
Location Desk work
Timeframe 20 working days
Report to Executive Director/CEO
The TMEA project, “Public‐Private Sector Dialogue (PPD) for Trade and Investment ‐
Regional and Country Programmes” mainstreams advocacy throughout TMEA’s project
clusters – i.e. in transport and logistics, trade facilitation, customs & tax, standards and
NTBs. The new approach presented and approved by the TMEA’s Board will foster closer
collaboration across project teams and will contribute to results across all intermediate
outcomes. The programme’s core objective is to enhance private sector organisations’
(PSO) capacity to proactively and positively influence decision‐making, to accelerate
dispute resolution, to sustain political buy‐in, to increase commitment and to reduce
overall programme risks in TMEA’s project clusters. This will increase trade and
investment in the EAC. The Regional and Country Programmes will contribute to core
TMEA corporate results outlined below:

  1. Reduce transport (road, rail, and air) cost and time along transport corridors by
    10% and increase efficiency in private sector logistics services provision
  2. Enhance Customs and other trade‐related agencies’ efficiency (25% reduction in
    time to process trade documentation) through integrated trade management
    systems and greater inter‐agency collaboration.
  3. Reduced tariffs, taxes, and levies by 5‐8% overall (including sub‐national) reduce
    exemption regimes, CET, and increase import/export tax incentives
  4. Enhanced efficiency of Bureaux of Standards, reduce related costs and time by
    10%, reduce counterfeit and sub-standard goods by 20% through enhanced inter‐
    agency collaboration and improve private sector compliance.
  5. Resolve 30% of all reported NTBs along TMEA project clusters within a year.
  6. Catalyzing a 10% increase in exports annually, 93,000 direct jobs and $425m
    additional investment after seven years in targeted sectors in the EAC under the
    Compact and TLCs through increased investment incentives.
    The East African Business Council (EABC) is the umbrella body of the Private Sector in
    the East African Community (EAC). It brings together national private sector umbrella
    bodies, manufacturers, employers, bankers, insurance and transporters associations,
    chambers of commerce, corporates, and medium and small enterprises from the entire
    East African region.
    EABC’s mandate is to represent and promote the interests of the EAC business
    community, provide value-added services that enhance trade and competitiveness, and
    to participate actively and positively influence legal and regulatory formulation to improve
    the business environment. EABC works with the major stakeholders such as the EAC
    Secretariat, Organs, Institutions and National Governments and provides input in policy
    discussion while advocating for the implementation of resolutions at the national level
    aimed at increasing intra-regional trade.
    For effective implementation of the Regional PPD programme, EABC was selected by
    TradeMark East Africa as the lead implementing partner for the Private Sector
    Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Measures at the EAC level
    SPS measures at EAC regional level are enshrined in the EAC SPS Protocol that was
    developed in line with Article 108 of the EAC Treaty which requires the Partner States to
    harmonize sanitary and phytosanitary measures for pest and disease control. Taking
    cognizance of the above provisions of Article 108 of the EAC Treaty, Article 38 of the
    Protocol on the Establishment of the East African Customs Union rrequires the Partner
    States to co-operate in several areas including sanitary and phytosanitary measures. The
    Partner states are required under paragraph 1 of Article 151 of the Treaty; to conclude
    such Protocols as may be necessary for each area of co-operation, which shall spell out
    the objectives and scope of, and institutional mechanisms for, co-operation and
    integration. It is in line with the above requirements of the EAC treaty and the Customs
    Union Protocol that the SPS Protocol was developed.
    Although not yet ratified by all EAC Partner States, the primary objective of the EAC SPS
    Protocol is to adopt and enforce SPS measures in order to minimize their negative effects
    on trade. The Protocol elaborates rules for application, which relate to the use of SPS
    measures, and recognizes the rights of importing countries to implement these measures.
    Compliance with SPS guidelines constitutes a basic requirement for any exporter seeking
    increased market access for agricultural products in the regional and international trading
    Several exports from East African countries also often suffer rejections in foreign
    countries, due to non-compliance with importing country SPS regulations.
    Failures of food safety and quality systems often have devastating impacts on a country’s
    exports. There are numerous examples of products such as chicks, fresh fruits, beef,
    animals etc. from East African Partner States that have been banned before in some
    countries due to failure to meet food safety requirements. These bans cost millions of
    dollars in lost income for the cross-border traders.
    In addition, cross border traders in agricultural products still find it quite challenging to
    comply with EAC Sanitary and Phyto Sanitary Measures (SPS) which are rules and
    procedures that governments use to ensure that foods and beverages are safe to
    consume and to protect animals and plants from pests and diseases.
    EABC and TMEA recognise that an efficient and effective awareness about the SPS
    measures in the region is very critical for cross border trade to thrive in the region. A
    recent assessment by EABC through EAC border visits as well as consultative
    engagements with members of the business community mainly MSMEs observed;
  7. Very low stakeholder awareness about the relevance of SPS measures and why
    they are critical in cross border trade,
  8. Weak linkages between the private sector and the SPS regulatory agencies such
    as Plant Health Inspectorates, Ministries of Agriculture, etc.
  9. Many concerns by the business community regarding complying with SPS
    measures and the facilitation expected from relevant public agencies to the
    business community
  10. Bureaucracies in the attainment of SPS certificates from the regulatory agencies
    EABC with support from TradeMark East Africa intends to hire services of a consortium
    in the EAC region to develop a good practice manual and a video documentary for the
    business community especially cross border traders on SPS measures. This good
    practice manual and video documentary will be handy in ensuring that agro-food
    procedures and cross border traders are properly guided to produce and transact products
    that meet requirements for regional and international trade.
  11. For purposes of guiding agro-food producers and members of the business
    community to meet EAC SPS requirements:
    a. Develop and design easy to read and interpret materials on food safety
    implementation manuals targeting small and medium enterprises (SMEs),
    that will be distributed to the business community.
    b. Develop and design easy to read and interpret materials on animal health
    implementation manuals (including good animal health practices) targeting
    smallholder producers and traders
    c. Develop and design easy to read and interpret materials on phytosanitary
    (crop protection) implementation manuals (including good agricultural
    practices, crop protection measures for quarantine and regulated
    nonquarantine pests, and good manufacturing practices) targeting
    smallholder producers and traders
  12. Develop and design EAC SPS measures video documentary on, the role of SPS
    measures in cross border trade, why it matters to comply with SPS measures,
    process of engaging and acquiring SPS certificates.
  13. Present the good practice manuals and video documentary to EABC.
    For video documentary, the focus should draw examples from livestock, fisheries, and
    crop sectors covering the application of food safety, animal health and plant.
    The key deliverables include:
    • Inception report
    • Draft manual and video documentary. The video should be in an editable format in
    English and Kiswahili with subtitles.
    • Good practice manuals and a video documentary on EAC SPS measures • A
    report from the assignment
    The consortium will work in partnership with EABC secretariat, its Focal points and sector
    associations in all the EAC Partner States.
    The consortium will familiarize themselves with the EAC and EABC work on SPS
    measures including all publications and relevant materials and review of all activity reports
    from EABC and EAC on SPS at the EAC regional level.
    A suitable consortium should hold the following qualifications and key competencies: Lead
    a) Academic and Professional Experience: A Master’s degree in, Agricultural or food
    sciences, or any other relevant field is required.
    b) Work Experience: A minimum of ten (10) years’ demonstrable experience in food
    safety systems and regulation.
    c) At least 5 years’ experience on SPS related work within the EAC region
    d) Knowledge of EAC Integration is a must
    e) Languages: Fluency in oral and written English is required as it is the main EAC
    working language. Good working knowledge of Kiswahili will be an advantage.
    f) Additional Skills: Communications, experience in working with internet searches,
    online databases
    Support consultant (Video Documentary):
    The support consultant should possess the following skills and competencies;
    a) Videography
    b) Sound understanding of video content development/design, production and
    c) Communication (should possess a good command of English and Swahili)
    d) Nationality: The consultancy is only open to Nationals of any of the EAC Partner
    States, Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and South Sudan.
    VIII. THE APPLICATION PROCESS All proposals should be addressed to;
    The Executive Director / CEO
    East African Business Council (EABC)
    Ninth Floor, Mafao House, Old Moshi Road
    P. O. Box 2617 Arusha, Tanzania.
    Email: with a copy to
    clearly marked “ Consultancy to Develop a good practice manual and a video
    documentary for cross border traders on SPS measures”. The proposal should
    include current curriculum vitae, proposed methodology, work plan and a financial
    proposal. Applications close on (28th August 2020) at (5.00 p.m.).
    EABC is an equal opportunity employer thus recruitment is on merit and with no regard to
    one’s age, colour, gender, marital status, disability or impairment, race or creed.
    Canvassing shall lead to automatic disqualification.
    Environmental aspects will be taken into consideration.
Published On: July 17th, 2020 / Categories: Tenders /