The East African Business Council (EABC) has taken a significant step toward realizing its vision of a “Borderless East Africa for Increased Business and Investment” by appointing three remarkable individuals as Goodwill Ambassadors. Dr. Samuel Nyantahe, Ms. Merce Sila, and Mr. Raphael Maganga were inaugurated in Tanzania, where they were celebrated for their exceptional contributions in representing and promoting the EABC’s vision.

The inauguration of these Goodwill Ambassadors took place in Dar es Salaam. This inauguration event not only celebrated their accomplishments but also provided a platform for discussions and collaborations, further emphasizing the importance of their roles in East African regional integration.

The EABC’s appointment of Dr. Samuel Nyantahe, Ms. Merce Sila, and Mr. Raphael Maganga as Goodwill Ambassadors is not just a recognition of their dedication but a testament to the council’s commitment to fostering a dynamic and integrated East Africa. With the support of these distinguished individuals, the EABC’s vision of a “Borderless East Africa for Increased Business and Investment” moves one step closer to becoming a reality.

Published On: November 1st, 2023 / Categories: Highlights, News /