• info@eabc-online.com

  • info@eabc-online.com

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The East African Business Council (EABC) is pleased to invite you to participate in the 30th Uganda International Trade Fair (UGITF), scheduled for 2nd–10th October 2024 and organized by the Uganda Manufacturers Association. For more details, visit https://tradefair.uma.or.ug.

The fair attracts 1,350 exhibitors from 28 countries and 25,000 daily unique visitors. UGITF offers an unparalleled opportunity to showcase your products and services. Many previous exhibitors have reported significant increases in sales following the exposure provided by the trade fair.

The fair is open to all sectors, including but not limited to manufacturing, electrical, chemicals, petroleum products, plastics, rubber, packaging, leather, tourism, food and beverages, education services, and the auto industry.

Businesses interested in exporting, importing, or finding new clients and suppliers in Uganda are strongly encouraged to participate or exhibit.

To book exhibition space, please contact us at +256703552444 or +256785038105, or via email at tradefair@uma.or.ug.

EABC will be supporting members attending the Uganda International Trade Fair by offering advice on stay in Uganda and facilitating B2B meetings. If you are an EABC member and have registered, please contact our National Liaison Officer in Uganda at ebusuulwa@eabc-online.com  copy info@eabc-online.com for any assistance you may require.