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  • info@eabc-online.com

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YouLead Summit 2020 is here, bigger and better than before. The summit is brought to you by the East Africa Youth Leadership Program – YouLead, the East African Community Youth Ambassadors Platform,the YouLead Consortium members and a host of partners. For the first time, everyone, everywhere can participate because we are going virtual. Our theme this year is “Development is people…”, taken from a famous quote by Mwalimu Julius Nyerere of Tanzania, who stated that any form of meaningful and sustainable development has to be people centered.

This year, your participation will make YouLead Summit become a successful, vibrant platform that allows the YouLead community; old and young, experienced and novice, to meet, interact and discuss developmental issues without prejudice. There will be many exciting topics to discuss and actions to take forward this year, among them: the African Union Year of “Silencing the Guns” and the role of youth in peace building; the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s disruptions and impact on the youth’s socio-economic life regionally and globally.

Together, we will examine the status of youth participation in leadership, and how a youth-centered policy environment could be created for access to economic opportunities and decent work for youth in the spirit of African Union Agenda 2063, United Nations Global Development Agenda – Agenda 2063, while still guided by individual countries’ domestic development policy frameworks.

See event website for registration: https://youleadsummit.org/