- South Sudan Business Community Visit East African Business Council
Friday, 29th April 2022, Arusha, Tanzania: The President of South Sudan Business Community & Employers Federation (SSBCEF) Hon. Ayii Duang Ayii and Hon. Thomas Dut Gatkek, Member of the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) accompanied by Eng. Jalal Abdalla Doka, the Deputy Secretary-General of SSBCEF visited EABC and deepened partnership strategic areas to boost trade and investment between South Sudan and the EAC Partner States.
Hon. Ayii Duang said that “South Sudan is committed to purchasing products made in East Africa and utilizing the ports of Dar es Salaam and Mombasa as the gateway interconnecting the EAC bloc.”
Hon. Ayii Duang further expounded that Hon. Ayii Duang South Sudan Business Community & Employers Federation is steadfast to link business people from the other East African countries to invest in South Sudan.
Mr. John Bosco Kalisa, EABC CEO applauded H.E. Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of the Republic of South Sudan for championing peace and easing doing business across borders. Mr. Kalisa applauded the Government of the Republic of South Sudan for waiving visa fees for East Africa and safeguarding border points such as the Nimule-Juba highway.
The discussions also focused on the implementation of the EAC Single Customs Territory by the Republic of South Sudan to quicken the clearance of cargo at the Elegu/Nimuleborder. The South Sudan Business Community & Employers Federation committed to purchase and donate a cargo scanner to be deployed at the Elegu/Nimuleborder in a bid to facilitate cross-border trade and avoid manual verification.
EABC is committed to collaborating with South Sudan Business Community & Employers Federation on upcoming trade & investment mission to South Sudan, advocacy for the elimination of Non-Tariff Barriers, immigration matters such as alien permit and infrastructure improvement at the border points.
South Sudan joined the East African Community in April 2016. In 2020 South Sudan’s export to the EAC Partner States amounted to USD 87million while imports USD 573 million. In 2016 South Sudan’s export and imports to the EAC Partner States were USD 2.6million and USD 400 million respectively (International Trade Centre).